The Menagerie Lifestyle Photography
How to Create Natural Family Photography by Embracing the Essex Countryside
12th October 2021 by maryann in Uncategorised 0 Comments

Today, we explore how shooting outdoor family photography in the beautiful Essex countryside can achieve the natural shots you’ve been searching for. As someone who has been involved in family photography for many years, I know the importance of my work in making memories for my lovely Essex couples. Be that the first few shots of their newborn, wedding or engagement celebrations. Each of these big stages in life are vitally important to cherish, and to look back on with fondness. And that is why our job, as a lifestyle photographer, is so pivotal in the business of creating keepsakes for our couples. Shooting the perfect family photography session is, however, no mean feat, and I often have to get creative with my Essex couples in order to create the memento they deserve. Because, as the adage goes, ‘never work with children or animals’! And kids, in particular, can be very unpredictable, often inattentive and sometimes just plain shy when put in front of a camera. So, they can be a challenge, especially when paired with a couple, or extended family who probably haven’t taken part in any professional modelling before. The key to ensuring that these family portraits are […]

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