We are planting trees!
After last weeks blog about making weddings more sustainable, I got to thinking about how I could do my part, while photography isn’t inherently bad for the environment, I do feel that there’s more I could be doing, I mean there’s more we could ALL be doing.

As compostable cameras aren’t a thing yet (business idea anyone? haha) I looked to offsetting the impact. The obvious answer is trees! Especially as so often they are the perfect backdrop for your wedding photos. A tree can absorb 48 pounds of carbon per year, or 1 ton of carbon by the time it reaches 40 years old. So for every couple that book me for their wedding, I will plant a tree! Not only as a lasting tribute to your love but also helping out the planet and the wildlife that lives here in Essex.

What is stopping the trees being cut down? We are so lucky to have a large amount of land, so the person stopping the trees being cut down is me! For as long as we live here, and I hope that’s a long time to come yet, I will make sure the trees are loved and cared for.
What trees can we choose from? And can we come and plant it ourselves? I gave quite a bit of thought to this, and feel that its right that we should plant trees that would naturally be native to the UK, native plants have a better chance of making it to old age, they are already adapted to our climate, with some of them providing a food source and shelter for our wildlife, I have chosen 5 different trees for you to choose from;
Wild Cherry
Lime (Tilia X Europaea, not the fruited variety)
Silver Birch
Of course, you can come and plant it yourselves if you would like too, when I send out the information form, nearer to your wedding, just indicate that’s what you’d like to do.

Yes I blatantly stole the idea from Rock The Frock who are doing similar, but we are going with it anyway haha